Our online exam services cut across all subjects, thanks to our team of experienced academicians with Master’s and PhDs. Try us today, and we guarantee high-quality, timely, and non-plagiarized exams. More importantly, we guarantee an A in the exam we help you take.

AceMyOnlineTest is an exam help company that assists students with online tests and exams. We specialise in technical subjects that cut across all disciplines. Ourspecialtyy is proctored exams, which monitor students who do online exams. Despite the process being challenging, we have special software that can override the proctoring system, allowing us to do the exam for you.

Our services also extend to Certification exams, a must-do exam for students wanting to join different professions. We also do take-home exams. In all these, we guarantee exemplary results, protecting your personal information and good quality submissions.

Our Values


We have processes for each service and activity. Every activity has a preceding formula that must be fulfilled to maintain consistency. Most administrative services are automated, and no one can influence the outcome. We did this to create an open system that everyone could follow and benefit from its consistency. The end product is customer satisfaction, consistent output, and organized work ethics. 

Time Keeping

If you set a timeline for your exam, you will arrive before. Our processes have specific time frames for every online test, which aligns with our quality assurance protocols. We give you time to go through our submissions before you hand them over for marking.

However, if you need an exam done quickly, we will handle it to your specifications, although it will cost you more. The bottom line is to request exam help services in time and enjoy competitive prices.

Quality Submissions

All our online exam takers are Master’s and Ph.D. holders. Some have on-ground experience in a competitive work environment. Whatever they write in your exam has academic and professional insights, guaranteeing quality submissions. We also have over 5 years of experience in online test taking, which helps us understand what to do, how to do it, and the expected outcome. 


We run an open-door policy on all our services. Every process on our platform is precise, clear, and straightforward. If you need help understanding something, we are open to questions, suggestions, and criticism. For customers who have issues with our online tests or if the score they got is different from what we agreed, we have a 100% cash-back policy. Feel free to engage us on any issue, and we will endeavor to answer satisfactorily.


We are a one-stop shop for all your exam needs. Although we specialize in proctored exams, we also do home-take exams and TEAS. Our process manages the onboarding and execution of exams remotely without a trace or suspicion. With our industry experience, we know what to expect with every exam, which explains our impressive success rates.

Our diversity comes in from 2 angles: the number of subjects we do and the number of markets we are in. Thanks to a huge pool of academic and professional writers, the subjects cut across technical and non-technical. Secondly, our market is mostly in the US, but we have clients in Europe and Asia.

Our Services

Proctored Exams

These are remotely managed exams that mostly come in as continuous assessment tests or end-semester exams. Owing to the liberalization of educational management, students can do their exams remotely, invigilated by the proctor system. Our special software helps bypass the proctor system, allowing us to help you with your exam remotely. All you do is install the software on your computer, and we are good to go.

Home Take Exams

They are special exams that professors give out to students to do from home. In most cases, they are new concepts or application questions of the topic under study, which require professional assistance. If you have such an exam and do not know what to do or don’t have time, forward it to us, and we will do it for you.

Certification Exams

These are special-purpose exams that facilitate students who want to join different professions globally. They combine technical and general interpersonal skills that gauge the viability of a student for a career in the health sector. We provide the guidance and expertise to answer these questions, guaranteeing the student a slot in nursing school.

Why AceMyOnlineTest Is the Best

Experience and Exposure

We have been doing online tests and exams for over 5 years, which explains our knowledge of how best to do these exams. Our test-takers are Master’s and Ph.D. holders with professional and academic qualifications in their respective fields. They guarantee an A in all the exams they participate in, which boosts the students’ overall grades.

Information Privacy

Our processes guarantee personal information safety. Check our guarantees HERE. No unauthorized person can access client information in whatever form or structure. Our online security protocols are among the best. Therefore, no one can access the system unchecked. With such guarantees, rest assured that your identity will never see the light of day while carrying out exam help services.

Guaranteed Money-Back

We trust our processes, services, and resources to give you the grade you need. Our exposure and experience have taught us what to do and how to do it, which makes us trust our ways. However, if you do not get the promised result, we have a guaranteed money-back, refunding 100% for the test that falls below expectations.


Do you have an exam that is coming up, but you haven’t prepared for it? Are you applying for a nursing course in the US?  Has your professor given you a home take exam, and you have no time to do it?

Contact us today, and we will help you do it in time, professionally, and undetected. We guarantee quality, timely, and AI-free test-taking services.

Ace my online test

Expert paper writers are just a few clicks away

We have top-notch tutors who can do your essay/homework for you at a reasonable cost and then you can simply use that essay as a template to build your own arguments.